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Welcome! The site is coming along just fine, though I would definitely benefit from all advice, other sources, and of course funny stories, though I have not recieved any mail about my site yet. What's with this? Does anyone even know it exists? You may notice that there are no stories on the stories page. This is because, well, I haven't gotten any! Send them in! Oh, I must stop, I'm talking in circles. :-)

If you have any reason, email me at ViralX@cheatcc.com. It may be a little while before I answer it, but all input is greatly appreciated.

I now have some of the TI-86 stuff I have up, but nothing TI-89 yet. With terrible timing (school starts next week) my TI-86 has mysteriously died. So, I have planned to post everything useful about TI-86 assembly on this site because it was dreadfully hard to get any information on it when I began programming for it. I have also begun learning TI-89 assembly and C, so you should expect some stuff related to that soon. The TI-89 will be my next calc!

Here is the Send-In-Your-Story rules in case you missed them. Just send them in (same address as above), and I'll pick out the best ones each week or so and post them on the stories page as they become available.


So if you think you have a killer funny story, hey, why not send it in?

Created by ViralX
Last updated: 8-10-2001
"This man says that dreams are a fool's use of time. Yet I tell you that dreams lead to hope, which is the base of my power." - Anonymous