Best viewed in 1024x768

LCD Screen

The LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display, screen is the area on the TI-86 where graphics and text are displayed. This screen is 128x64 pixels wide. For more information, please click on the picture. This is not intended to be a programming tutorial, rather then a summary. Any tutorials will be posted below under the section, "More Information". Here is a overview (in programmers terms) on the display:

To draw a pixel to the screen, we use a findpixel routine developed by Dan Eble and James Yopp. I explained this routine in much detail on Tutorial #4 located on my tutorials page.

	; Sets a Pixel at 64, 32
	ld e, 64
	ld d, 32
	call FindPixel		; Returns a bitmask, in this case %10000000 or $80

	or (hl)				; A = A or (HL), which OR's the bitmask, A, with the address in the display, (HL)
	ld (hl), a			; (HL) = A, Apply's the changes

	; XOR's (inverts) a Pixel at 64, 32
	ld e, 64
	ld d, 32
	call FindPixel		; Returns a bitmask, in this case %10000000 or $80

	xor (hl)			; A = A xor (HL), which XOR's the bitmask, A, with the address in the display, (HL)
						; Any bits set in the bitmask (only 1) will cause the cooresponding bit in (HL) to be inverted.
	ld (hl), a			; (HL) = A, Apply's the changes
	; Clears a pixel at 64, 32
	ld e, 64
	ld d, 32
	call FindPixel		; Returns a bitmask, in this case A = %10000000 or $80

	cpl 				; Same as XOR 255, Inverts bitmask (changes all 1's to 0's and 0's to 1's), in this case A = %01111111
	and (hl)			; A = A and (HL), which AND's the inverted bitmask, A, with the address in the display, (HL)
	ld (hl), a			; (HL) = A, Apply's the changes

Here is the routine:

; The Eble-Yopp-Yopp-Eble-Eble-Eble-Yopp Fast FindPixel Routine :)
; 36 bytes / 121 t-states not counting ret or possible push/pop of BC
; Input:  D = y
;         E = x
; Output: HL= address of byte in video memory
;         A = bitmask (bit corresponding to pixel is set)
;         C is modified
; +-----------+
; |(0,0)      |  <- Screen layout
; |           |
; |   (127,63)|
; +-----------+
        ld hl,FP_Bits
        ld a,e
        and $07         ; a = bit offset
        add a,l
        ld l,a
        adc a,h
        sub l
        ld h,a
        ld c,(hl)       ; c = bitmask for (hl)
;48 t-states up to this point
        ld hl,FP_RLD
        ld (hl),d
        ld a,e          ; a = x/8 (byte offset within row)
        or $FC 
        ld l,(hl)
        ld h,a          ; hl -> byte in vid mem
        ld a,c          ; now a = bitmask for (hl)
;121 t-states up to this point

FP_RLD:  .db $00
FP_Bits: .db $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01

More Information:
  TI-86 Offical Asm Documentation - Display
  Matt Johnson's Simple Display Tutorial
  Trent Lillehaugen's Asm86 Tutorial - Video Examples