Compiling Instructions and Tutorial Preface

    Welcome to the TI-86 Assembly Programming Tutorial!  Assembly language (I won't deny it) is a difficult undertaking, whether or not you learn assembly here is entirely dependent on the diligence with which you apply yourself to its learning.  I, of course, can't teach you everything that goes into making a premium quality ASM programmer; you should, however, gain more than enough knowledge from this tutorial to let your own artistry complete the process.  Hopefully you'll find all the necessary and most current resources; maybe you'll even revert to these resources after you become an accomplished ASM programmer, as well.  Once the appendices are completed, all discovered information concerning the TI-86 will be collectively represented within this tutorial.
    Here are some things you will need right away (you will need to keep all these in the same directory):

    You can reach me (Dux Gregis) at  I'll do my best to answer questions / repair mistakes.  Good luck ... we're all counting on you ;-)